Do The Work

Uttering the words "I just wish things could go back to normal" holds no meaning for the 'normal' I was willing to withstand and settle for previously brings unbearable discomfort and a recognition of irresponsibility. Self-awareness breeds understanding, compassion and stronger communities. Self-awareness breeds justice, equality and freedom.

Enneagram For Business

I was introduced to the Enneagram in 2015 during my Masters program and have been learning and growing from it ever since. It has been one of the most important tools I have used to enhance my own wellbeing and leadership skills. Find out one of the biggest ways it has helped me be a more effective leader.

My Day of Paper Marbling

This past weekend I took an art class. I am not a regular taker of art classes, but when I do them, I choose ones that offer training in mediums that don't have a right or wrong way of doing things so that I am less likely to judge myself while making art. The class I took was Paper Marbling from the Center for Book Arts in downtown Minneapolis The instructor, Heather RJ Fletcher, made the comment that "Marbling offers the opportunity for many happy accidents." My kind of art class for sure!

How Are You Like Me?

An elderly acquaintance of mine recently fell and had to be taken by ambulance to the emergency room. I followed her to be present as they made decisions about her situation until her family arrived. Over the course of a few days, I witnessed a full spectrum of care between the staff in the emergency room and the hospital.

Finding Our Financial Voice

Have you ever considered what stories or beliefs concerning money may no longer be serving you? Our socialization as children is embedded in who we become. Stories are passed down and we witness those around us navigate life while learning to navigate life ourselves. Through all of this, beliefs and behaviors emerge - some conscious and many unconscious. Yet we may do ourselves a disservice if we never step back to ask ourselves how and if our beliefs and behaviors serve us today.

Cultivating Intentional Communities

I recently went to a presentation where the speaker discussed the idea of creating intentional communities as a way to stay healthy and balanced. She went on to say that she is recently divorced and found herself eating most meals by herself, so she decided to create an intentional community around shared meals so that she has the opportunity to eat with others on a more regular basis.

The Unconscious Power of One Word

"STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES, BUT WORDS CAN NEVER HURT ME." This saying never softened the blow of unkind things said to me as a child and I wonder if it is ever used anymore. While words used by others can certainly hurt us emotionally, we are often unaware of the pain inflicted by our very own words we use when talking about ourselves.